Brandon Eley

About Brandon Eley

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So far Brandon Eley has created 239 blog entries.

Life is Fleeting

Sometimes things happen that remind us how fleeting life really is. Today, I reconnected with the family of my childhood best friend, Andrew. He and I met when we were 5 or 6 and were best friends until my family moved from South Carolina when I was 12. We initially kept in touch, but as [...]

Don’t Lie to Me

I called my old bank this afternoon because sent my monthly commission payment to a business account that I closed last month. I was routed to a customer service representative who asked me for my account number, which I didn't have with me. I said, "I don't have my account number, what do you [...]

SitePoint Marketing Bundle On Sale Today Only

SitePoint is having a Christmas Countdown sale, with a new featured special every day. Today they have an excellent marketing bundle up for sale, which includes my book, Online Marketing Inside Out, The SEO Business Guide, and SitePoint's new Facebook Ads 101 course - all for only $99! First, Online Marketing Inside Out is an [...]

By |December 14th, 2010|Online Marketing|Comments Off on SitePoint Marketing Bundle On Sale Today Only