Brandon Eley

About Brandon Eley

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So far Brandon Eley has created 239 blog entries.

See Me at BlogWorld 2010

In just a few days I’ll be flying to Las Vegas for my third BlogWorld & New Media Expo conference. I was just an attendee in 2008, and had a book signing last year in 2009. This year, I’m excited to be much more involved. I’ll have a full schedule this year, with a book [...]

Speaking at ConvergeSouth This Weekend

I'm headed to Greensboro, NC this weekend to speak at ConvergeSouth. I'll be giving a presentation titled "Free and Open Source Tools for Business" where I'll explain all the different tools and services we use both at Kelsey Advertising & Design and at It'll be more than just an overview, I'm going to show [...]

By |September 28th, 2010|Speaking|1 Comment