Brandon Eley

About Brandon Eley

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So far Brandon Eley has created 239 blog entries.

I’m Giving Away Books on Blogging

I posted over at the Online Marketing Inside Out Blog, I'm giving away two books about Blogging: ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett Blog Blazers: 40 Top Bloggers Share Their Secrets by Stephane Grenier Head over to the OMIO blog to find out how to [...]

By |August 18th, 2010|Online Marketing, Social Media|Comments Off on I’m Giving Away Books on Blogging

Please Vote For Me to Speak at SxSW 2011

I've submitted to speak at the 2011 South By Southwest conference. My panel, Luck is a Four-Letter Word is about being proactive instead of sitting back and waiting for things to happen. It's about seizing opportunities. But it's more than just a motivational self-help speech. Over the years, I've had some amazing opportunities... and it [...]

By |August 11th, 2010|Speaking|Comments Off on Please Vote For Me to Speak at SxSW 2011

On Turning 30

I just turned 30 years old. As many of my friends and colleagues are much older than me, I’ve gotten a lot of input about how I’d “feel” after turning 30. Some say I’d start “feeling the effects” of getting older while others claimed I’d start worrying about my age. So, how did turning 30 [...]