Brandon Eley

About Brandon Eley

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So far Brandon Eley has created 239 blog entries.

Dealing with Damaged, Used or Worn Customer Returns

If you have an online store, it’s just a matter of time before you’ll get a return in the mail that is worn, used, damaged or in some kind of disarray. Hopefully you have a return policy in your online store… even if you do not accept returns, you should still publish your policy (if [...]

By |September 5th, 2014|E-Commerce, Order Management|Comments Off on Dealing with Damaged, Used or Worn Customer Returns

Starting an Exciting New Chapter

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost eight years since I sold my small web development company to Brant and joined Kelsey Advertising & Design. I thought I would stay at Kelsey for a year, maybe two at the most. Year after year, we have continued to work on interesting and challenging projects, for some [...]

Who Do They Think Read Errors, Anyway?

Back in 2004 Jason Fried and Matthew Linderman of 37 Signals wrote Defensive Design for the Web because there was a real epidemic spreading around the Web. Error messages were cryptic, server-generated strings of gobbledygook that didn't make any sense to the real people visiting websites, and very few large websites seemed to give any thought or planning [...]

Dear Amazon: Think of the kids!

Raising kids in a digital age is tough. How much screen time is too much? What devices have the best parental controls? Should I setup their device under my account or their own? It's confusing, frustrating, and sometimes aggravating that the most popular online services seem to ignore a HUGE future customer base: our kids. [...]

Consumers vs. Customers without Capitalism

Why is it some professions can totally disregard their customer, neglecting to provide basic customer service at a fair price, yet still stay in business (or even have a growing, thriving business)? Because, thanks to legislation or a natural monopoly, not all industries adhere to the laws of capitalism. This morning as I sat in a [...]

By |May 14th, 2014|Business & Marketing|Comments Off on Consumers vs. Customers without Capitalism