Brandon Eley

About Brandon Eley

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So far Brandon Eley has created 239 blog entries.

Exercise Your Constitutional Right and Go Vote

Today is the big one... the 2012 Presidential election. I've already seen lots of posts on Facebook and Twitter urging others to go vote, and I've seen a few people argue that it's their right not to vote if they don't like either candidate. Well, while it is your right to vote, or not vote, I think [...]

By |November 6th, 2012|News & World Events, Personal|Comments Off on Exercise Your Constitutional Right and Go Vote

The BuySafe Difference: 18.6% Boost to Our Conversion Rate (A Review)

Back in January I was contacted by BuySafe about trying their service on We’ve tried several “website seals” over the years, and have never found them to cause a significant increase in conversions – not enough to justify their high costs, anyway. So when BuySafe contacted us I wasn’t in a hurry to give [...]

VEDA: A Failure and a Success

On my birthday (August 1st) I decided to take up VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August) and make a video every single day about online marketing. I dubbed the videos 31 Days to Higher Conversions or 31DHC for short. As I started out I was really excited about making a video every day... but boy [...]

By |August 28th, 2012|E-Commerce, Online Marketing, Personal|Comments Off on VEDA: A Failure and a Success