Brandon Eley

About Brandon Eley

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So far Brandon Eley has created 239 blog entries.

Headed to ConvergeSE

I'm headed to ConvergeSE with my good friend Josh Coffee this weekend to hang out with friends, learn some stuff, and hopefully find some resources like a programmer and an html/css developer. It's the first conference I've been to in a long time where I haven't been speaking. I'm looking forward to just being able to be [...]

By |April 26th, 2012|Programming, Web Development|Comments Off on Headed to ConvergeSE

Taking a Break from Speaking

Since Online Marketing Inside Out was released in June 2009, I have spoken about 40 times all over the country and internationally. I have spoken at small venues such as Chamber of Commerces and American Advertising Federation chapters, and at large conferences like SxSW and Blogworld, and everything in-between. But all good things must come [...]

Mobile Marketing and E-Commerce at Digital Atlanta

Yesterday I presented two presentations at Digital Atlanta, a week-long series of events on social media and online marketing. My two presentations were 5 Ways to Integrate Mobile Into Your Marketing Mix and 10 Essential Strategies to E-Commerce Success. I've included the presentations below for anyone that attended. 10 Essential Strategies for E-Commerce Success View [...]

By |November 9th, 2011|E-Commerce, Mobile, Speaking|Comments Off on Mobile Marketing and E-Commerce at Digital Atlanta