
The Holiday Season is Here

I know it's the holiday season because the parking lots are full of shoppers and the coffee shop is full from people trying to escape the cold. As much as I dislike shopping this time of year, I really love the holiday season. A lot of people slow down or take vacation, but this is [...]

Great Deal From SitePoint Today Only

Every day this month, SitePoint is putting together a crazy deal on their special sale website. Today's deal includes my book, Online Marketing Inside Out. It's a great value for anyone looking to promote their website and make money on the Internet. The bundle includes: Online Marketing Inside Out ($29.95 value) Darren Rowse's 31 Days [...]

By |December 4th, 2009|Business & Marketing|Comments Off on Great Deal From SitePoint Today Only

Speaking at SxSW

I was asked to do a book reading of Online Marketing Inside Out at South by Southwest (SxSW) Interactive conference in March, 2010. I won't actually be reading from the book, but instead will give a short presentation around one of the topics covered. I have wanted to speak at SxSW for several years, having [...]

Speaking at Coastal Carolinas AdFed About the Mobile Web

I will be speaking at the Coastal Carolinas AAF (American Advertising Federation) tomorrow about capitalizing on the mobile web. I'll be speaking about how mobile Internet access is growing exponentially and how marketers and businesses can capitalize on that growth both by building mobile-optimized websites and by utilizing mobile marketing. This is my first trip [...]