
Google Commerce Search: What About Small-Medium Sized Retailers?

Google recently announced the launch of Google Commerce Search, an new customizable product search engine for e-commerce retailers. I watched the video and read a few blog posts, and it looked like yet another excellent Google service offering. After seeing all the buzz over the last few days, I thought I'd check it out for [...]

By |November 6th, 2009|Design/User Interface|Comments Off on Google Commerce Search: What About Small-Medium Sized Retailers?

Idolizing Celebrities

I’ve never been one to idolize celebrities. TV & movie stars, recording artists and other famous people are just people like everyone else. But I think it’s healthy to idolize, or at least admire, some people. It all comes down to the reasons. As I was reading Darren Rowse’s post about a loving fan that [...]

I’m at BlogWorld in Las Vegas

I'm headed to Las Vegas for BlogWorld, a blogging and new media conference. I really enjoyed the conference last year... I met some great people and learned a lot. I'm especially excited about this year because I have a book signing Friday at 11 AM, a time slot I'm sharing with Patrick O'Keefe, good friend [...]

By |October 14th, 2009|Online Marketing, Social Media, Speaking|Comments Off on I’m at BlogWorld in Las Vegas