
Interview on LGTV 19 “Downtown Alive” Airing Throughout April

Here is my interview on LaGrange Government Television Channel 19's Downtown Alive program. The show is airing about two times a day throughout the month of April. They say you are your worst critic, and I definitely think that's true. I'm not particularly happy with some parts of the interview, but they didn't even edit [...]

By |April 22nd, 2009|Personal|Comments Off on Interview on LGTV 19 “Downtown Alive” Airing Throughout April

Should you list a phone number on your website?

There is a lot of debate about the issue of offering phone sales and service. Many of the large retailers such as eBay and Amazon have all but hidden from customers, by only posting email contact forms. Does that mean smaller e-commerce retailers can get away with not listing contact information? The large retailers such [...]

By |April 17th, 2009|Increasing Conversions|Comments Off on Should you list a phone number on your website?

Quit Whining and Get to Work!

So many people are whining about the economy, taxes, government spending, work, family life, or whatever. Very few people have legitimate reason to be whining. SO much energy, time and money is wasted bitching about things you can't control. Wouldn't that time and energy be better spent doing something constructive? I'm guilty... I catch myself [...]

E-Commerce Order Fulfillment Services

Say you have a great idea and want to sell a product online, but don't have a big enough garage (or permission from the spouse) to stock inventory, and leasing warehouse space is just a little too risky when just starting out. You need the help of a fulfillment service! Order fulfillment services stock your [...]