
Holiday Sales Forecast Q4 2008

There is a lot of speculation about whether this online shopping season was a bust or boom. Some reports just before Christmas shows online shopping down 1% over that same time last year, and other reports I've seen show slowed overall growth, but numbers still above 2008. In this slowing economy, many online retailers (myself [...]

By |December 29th, 2008|Business, Industry News|Comments Off on Holiday Sales Forecast Q4 2008

Resigned from Writing at The Apple Blog

After several weeks of consideration, I resigned from The Apple Blog today. I have been writing at The Apple Blog since August, 2006 and have really enjoyed sharing my love of Apple products, but it's time to move on. While I still love Apple products (probably more than ever), I just don't have time to [...]

By |December 2nd, 2008|Personal|Comments Off on Resigned from Writing at The Apple Blog

MyCorporation Offers FREE Inc and LLC Registrations

MyCorporation offered free Inc and LLC registrations a few weeks ago for one day only. It was so popular, they're extending the special and are offering free registrations for an entire week. From December 1-5 you can save $149. All you'll pay is the filing, shipping and publication fees (which you'd pay if you were [...]

By |November 28th, 2008|Business & Marketing|Comments Off on MyCorporation Offers FREE Inc and LLC Registrations

WordPress 2.7 Nearing Release

Wordpress 2.7 is nearing release, and they've released a video of the new dashboard. I think the new dashboard is a major improvement over previous designs. I've never really used the dashboard in my WP installs... it just seemed like an afterthought. It had a few useful links at the top to create a new [...]

By |November 15th, 2008|Technology, Web Development|Comments Off on WordPress 2.7 Nearing Release

Top Reasons Visitors Abandon Shopping Carts

The average conversion rate for e-commerce websites is 2%, which means that the vast majority of customers don't make a purchase.As many as 10-20% of your unique visitors will place an item in their shopping cart, but leave before closing the deal. Below are the main reasons people abandon shopping carts: Unexpected or high shipping [...]