
Remembering 9/11

If you ask a Baby Boomer what they were doing when Kennedy was assassinated, almost every time you'll get a vivid recollection of events. They remember it like it was yesterday. Unfortunately, my generation now has a similar event that evokes such a strong emotional reaction. Ever year I remember where I was on that [...]

By |September 11th, 2008|News & World Events, Personal|Comments Off on Remembering 9/11

Top E-Commerce Conversion Rates

GrokDotCom's latest conversion rate report is out and Office Depot leads the pack with 26.9%. Checkout July's Top 10 Online Retailers by Conversion Rate. These numbers are incredibly amazing, but are these conversion rates realistic for small e-commerce merchants? I have personally seen small e-commerce retailers with conversion rates between 8-10%. Compared to the national [...]

By |September 10th, 2008|Marketing|Comments Off on Top E-Commerce Conversion Rates

Komen 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer

My cousin sent me an email asking me to help with some fund raising she's doing -- it's a walk for breast cancer. I am normally not one to give to random charities... we all get asked so much to give that I make a conscious decision to give to the causes that I care [...]

By |August 28th, 2008|Personal|Comments Off on Komen 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer