Growth & Leadership

On Turning 30

I just turned 30 years old. As many of my friends and colleagues are much older than me, I’ve gotten a lot of input about how I’d “feel” after turning 30. Some say I’d start “feeling the effects” of getting older while others claimed I’d start worrying about my age. So, how did turning 30 [...]

How Business is Like Poker

Tonight I was relaxing a bit... I was watching the 2009 World Series of Poker on ESPN2 and playing in a Sit-n-Run tournament at Full Tilt Poker. As I played, I came to a realization... Business is Just Like Poker People who can't play the game will tell you it's all the luck of the [...]

By |July 14th, 2010|Business & Marketing, Growth & Leadership|Comments Off on How Business is Like Poker