Growth & Leadership

My Massive SxSW 2010 Recap

South by Southwest Interactive isn’t just a conference. It’s “Spring Break for geeks.” That may have started as a joke, but it couldn’t be closer to the truth. Every year, thousands and thousands of web designers, programmers, gamers, bloggers and online marketers come together for what is most probably the largest technology conference of its [...]

Idolizing Celebrities

I’ve never been one to idolize celebrities. TV & movie stars, recording artists and other famous people are just people like everyone else. But I think it’s healthy to idolize, or at least admire, some people. It all comes down to the reasons. As I was reading Darren Rowse’s post about a loving fan that [...]

Take Responsibility for Your Brand

Seth Godin recently posted about a number of employees from a nameless company that all seemed to abdicate responsibility for their company's actions. One employee went so far as to say, "All I do is work here." I don't know what company Seth is talking about in his post, but I've heard that a number [...]

By |August 10th, 2009|Business & Marketing, Growth & Leadership|Comments Off on Take Responsibility for Your Brand