Growth & Leadership

Quit Whining and Get to Work!

So many people are whining about the economy, taxes, government spending, work, family life, or whatever. Very few people have legitimate reason to be whining. SO much energy, time and money is wasted bitching about things you can't control. Wouldn't that time and energy be better spent doing something constructive? I'm guilty... I catch myself [...]

At South by Southwest Conference

I'm in Austin, Texas at SxSW (South by Southwest) for the Interactive portion of the Music, Film and Interactive conference. I'm here with Brant Kelsey, owner of Kelsey Advertising & Design, and Brian & Roman, two of our designers. So far I haven't attended many panels, but have met a lot of great people in [...]

By |March 15th, 2009|Growth & Leadership, Personal, Social Media, Technology, Web Development|Comments Off on At South by Southwest Conference

Qualified Google Advertising Professional

I am now a Qualified Google Advertising Professional. I took the exam today, along with Brant Kelsey and Katie McGinty, from Kelsey Advertising & Design. We've been going through the lessons in the Learning Center studying for the exam, and we all passed by a wide margin. What is a Qualified Google Advertising Professional? A [...]

By |February 2nd, 2009|Business & Marketing, E-Commerce, Growth & Leadership|Comments Off on Qualified Google Advertising Professional