Well, I’ve been using my Canon A70 3.2 MP camera long enough. I finally upgraded to a real camera… Canon Digital Rebel 6.2 MP SLR with a 18-55MM AF lens. It came in last Friday just as I was leaving to go to Miami for a trade show. I took it to Miami and took quite a few photos. Unfortunately I forgot the tripod so the scenic photos are a little blurry.
Anyway, I got the camera home and it started malfunctioning. I just sent it back in to get it replaced. Everytime the automatic flash would deploy it gave an error message. It’ll probably take over a week for them to get it and send another one out… I was really looking forward to getting out and learning a little about photogrpahy.
Well, when the new camera comes hopefully it won’t have any problems and I can hit the ground running…