
Recapping 2014 and Looking Forward to 2015

I’m not generally fond of resolutions. But for the past several years, with a few exceptions, I’ve spent some time at the first of each year to recap the previous year’s goals and accomplishments (and failures) and look forward to the new year. It’s never been something too strict, I haven’t always stuck to the same [...]

2BigFeet is a Teenager!

It’s hard to believe it’s been 13 years since we launched 2BigFeet.com. More than 13 years since we were brainstorming in a back office of Shorewood Packaging about building a website for guys who couldn’t find shoes in their size. I’ve spent more than 40% of my life, and virtually all of my adult life, [...]

The Holiday Season is Here

I know it's the holiday season because the parking lots are full of shoppers and the coffee shop is full from people trying to escape the cold. As much as I dislike shopping this time of year, I really love the holiday season. A lot of people slow down or take vacation, but this is [...]

Authorize.net Outage Adds Excitement to Holiday Weekend

Authorize.net, one of the largest payment gateways in the world, was down for 15 hours after a fire at Fisher Plaza, the Seattle, WA based datacenter where they were hosted. I was at Starbucks working on an email newsletter with an Independence Day promotion for 2BigFeet.com, and was just about to send it to our [...]

By |July 4th, 2009|E-Commerce|Comments Off on Authorize.net Outage Adds Excitement to Holiday Weekend