conversion rate optimization

31DHC Day 3 – Google Analytics Goal Funnels

In today's episode of 31 Days to Higher Conversions we will look at Google Analytics Goal Tracking and Goal Funnels. I talk about the importance of goals, the elements you need to consider when setting up a goal and funnel, and we take a look at an actual e-commerce website's goal funnel. 31DHC Day 3 [...]

By |August 3rd, 2012|E-Commerce|Comments Off on 31DHC Day 3 – Google Analytics Goal Funnels

New Series: 31 Days to Higher Conversions

I've decided to participate in VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August) this year, but instead of recording personal videos about what I'm doing every day, I decided to do something related to online marketing an e-commerce. Every day this month, I will release a video about conversion rate optimization. 31 Days to Higher Conversions is [...]

By |August 1st, 2012|E-Commerce|Comments Off on New Series: 31 Days to Higher Conversions

Mobile Marketing and E-Commerce at Digital Atlanta

Yesterday I presented two presentations at Digital Atlanta, a week-long series of events on social media and online marketing. My two presentations were 5 Ways to Integrate Mobile Into Your Marketing Mix and 10 Essential Strategies to E-Commerce Success. I've included the presentations below for anyone that attended. 10 Essential Strategies for E-Commerce Success View [...]

By |November 9th, 2011|E-Commerce, Mobile, Speaking|Comments Off on Mobile Marketing and E-Commerce at Digital Atlanta

Optimizing Online Checkout – Free Report from Demandware

"According to Forrester Research, the average shopping cart abandonment rate among online retailers is 36 percent." Demandware's new best practice white paper titled "Optimizing Online Checkout" seeks to change that statistic. Packed with great tips and real data to back them up, this report offers sound advice that can help you decrease shopping cart abandonment [...]