
ICE Retailer E-Commerce Conference

This October, for the second consecutive year, I'll be speaking at ICE Retailer, an e-commerce and digital commerce conference in Atlanta, GA. Founded by John Lawson of ColderICE, the conference has an all-star cast of speakers including Peter Shankman, JB Glossinger, Brandon Dupsky, Alaa Hassan and, of course, John Lawson (and many, many more). A complete schedule hasn't been [...]

By |September 14th, 2014|E-Commerce, Speaking|Comments Off on ICE Retailer E-Commerce Conference

Who Do They Think Read Errors, Anyway?

Back in 2004 Jason Fried and Matthew Linderman of 37 Signals wrote Defensive Design for the Web because there was a real epidemic spreading around the Web. Error messages were cryptic, server-generated strings of gobbledygook that didn't make any sense to the real people visiting websites, and very few large websites seemed to give any thought or planning [...]

Mobile Marketing and E-Commerce at Digital Atlanta

Yesterday I presented two presentations at Digital Atlanta, a week-long series of events on social media and online marketing. My two presentations were 5 Ways to Integrate Mobile Into Your Marketing Mix and 10 Essential Strategies to E-Commerce Success. I've included the presentations below for anyone that attended. 10 Essential Strategies for E-Commerce Success View [...]

By |November 9th, 2011|E-Commerce, Mobile, Speaking|Comments Off on Mobile Marketing and E-Commerce at Digital Atlanta

We Wrote the Book on Online Marketing

That's right! The reason this blog hasn't been updated recently is because I've been slaving away co-authoring The Art & Science of Online Marketing with Shayne Tilley. The book is a complete overview of the entire landscape of online marketing and covers a wide range of topics including: The changing face of online marketing Search [...]