Ecommerce Merchants Trade Association

My Talk from Last Night: 3 Ways to Dramatically Increase Your Conversion Rate

Last night at the Atlanta eCommerce Merchants Trade Association meeting I spoke about increasing conversion rates. I boiled down the talk into a blog post and published it over at the Online Marketing Inside Out blog. Check it out: 3 Ways to Dramatically Increase Your Conversion Rate

By |February 10th, 2010|Online Marketing, Speaking|Comments Off on My Talk from Last Night: 3 Ways to Dramatically Increase Your Conversion Rate

Speaking at the eCommerce Merchants Trade Association

I'll be speaking tomorrow at the Atlanta chapter of the eCommerce Merchants Trade Association. I'm going to talk about 3 simple action items that can dramatically increase your conversion rate. I've employed these same action items to increase the conversion rate on one of my websites by more than 50%. If you're an e-commerce retailer [...]

By |February 8th, 2010|Speaking|Comments Off on Speaking at the eCommerce Merchants Trade Association