Online Marketing

Are multiple conflicting simultaneous promotions costing you customers?

It's getting cold again here in Georgia, and after the first time using our fireplace this season I remembered how much I need a screen to protect our hardwoods and rug from the hot embers that sometimes pop out onto the floor. After searching online for about an hour, I settled on a nice (but [...]

SitePoint Marketing Bundle On Sale Today Only

SitePoint is having a Christmas Countdown sale, with a new featured special every day. Today they have an excellent marketing bundle up for sale, which includes my book, Online Marketing Inside Out, The SEO Business Guide, and SitePoint's new Facebook Ads 101 course - all for only $99! First, Online Marketing Inside Out is an [...]

By |December 14th, 2010|Online Marketing|Comments Off on SitePoint Marketing Bundle On Sale Today Only

I’ll be on Gravity Free Radio this morning

I will be one of the guests on Gravity Free Radio this morning with Stephanie Frost and Erik Wolf at 10 AM this morning, Tuesday, April 13, 2010. You can listen to the show live on their website. I'll be talking about online marketing and my book, Online Marketing Inside Out. Stop by and listen [...]

By |April 13th, 2010|Personal|Comments Off on I’ll be on Gravity Free Radio this morning

Marketing by Design

On Thursday, July 30 I'll be giving a presentation to the Atlanta Web Design Group about "Marketing by Design." I'll talk about how to: Remove Distractions Optimize Your Navigation Effectively Place Calls to Action Omit Needless Words Focus Your Audience I'll also cover 5 more points that will help you get most out of your [...]