
SitePoint Marketing Bundle On Sale Today Only

SitePoint is having a Christmas Countdown sale, with a new featured special every day. Today they have an excellent marketing bundle up for sale, which includes my book, Online Marketing Inside Out, The SEO Business Guide, and SitePoint's new Facebook Ads 101 course - all for only $99! First, Online Marketing Inside Out is an [...]

By |December 14th, 2010|Online Marketing|Comments Off on SitePoint Marketing Bundle On Sale Today Only

Canonical URL Tags Stop Duplicate Content

The newly released Canonical URL Tags, supported by all three major search engines: Google, Yahoo!, and MSN, were created to help webmasters specify which piece of content is unique, and ignore the rest. Duplicate content is bad. When a search engine finds multiple pages with the same exact content, it has to choose which to [...]

By |February 17th, 2009|Search Engine Optimization|Comments Off on Canonical URL Tags Stop Duplicate Content